The Magic is in the Mess: How the Expressive Arts Heal

When I tell people that I utilize the expressive arts in my online therapy practice, I am often greeted with enthusiasm ... and some degree of confusion.

"That sounds so awesome!" People will often respond, and then ... pause. "So, what exactly is that?"

I smile because they are genuinely curious and I am eager to share.

So here are some things to know about of expressive arts therapy (or as we call it in the biz, EXA):

  • EXA is "multi-modal", meaning it utilizes all art forms including drama, visual art, writing, movement and music for the purpose of expression, exploration and healing.

  • EXA is about process (aka the mess). It is not about creating a pretty picture, though pretty pictures do happen.

  • Yes, sometimes we throw paint in session and it feels good.

  • Yes, sometimes we make playlists and dance it out.

  • Yes, sometimes we have no idea what we're going to do, and "trust the process" to see where it leads us.

  • All of this can happen over video or in-person during individual sessions, workshops or groups.

  • EXA is strengths-based and collaborative. As an EXA therapist, I don't analyze or judge client's artistic expression - ever! I support clients in making meaning of both the creative process and, if appropriate, what was created.

  • Sometimes we talk and make art. 

Meanwhile, I think it's important to note that EXA is not an ethereal approach to therapy, though it can feel that way because as adults we are so divorced from viewing creativity as a vital part of living. It can seem "so alternative" rather than straight up natural, and even practical.

After all, by incorporating the arts in therapy we often bypass defenses that hinder us, and are able to access suppressed feelings and inner wisdom that otherwise may not be accessed through talking.

Clients often report feeling relaxed or energized after sessions using the arts, as well as gaining new insights. 
Read more if you are interested in learning about how EXA can be incorporated into therapy sessions!

Meanwhile, I hope you'll consider creating something this week. Anything. Just to see how it feels for you. I truly believe creativity is life force, and artistic expression, a birthright. 

​Let me know how you do!

Till Next Time,



Moving from Self-Care to Soul-Care, (And how to get started)